Tummy Tuck


Are sit-ups not supplying you with the taut tummy you want? Suppose you have an excessive amount of flab or excess skin in your abdomen that does not answer diet or exercise. In that case, you'll be considering a "tummy tuck," which doctors call "abdominoplasty."

This surgery flattens the abdomen by removing extra fat and skin and tightening muscles in your wall.

It's not the same as liposuction, although you may choose to get liposuction along with a tummy tuck.

This is major surgery, so if you're considering it, you should know the facts before you decide whether to go forward.

Who Are the most straightforward Candidates For a Tummy Tuck?

Abdominoplasty is suitable for men and ladies who are in healthiness.

Women who have had several pregnancies may find the procedure useful for tightening their abdominal muscles and reducing skin.

An abdominoplasty is additionally an option for men or women who were once obese and still have excess fat deposits or loose skin around the belly.

Who Should Not Consider a Tummy Tuck?

If you are a woman who plans to urge pregnant, then you'll want to postpone an abdominoplasty until you're done having children. During surgery, your vertical muscles are tightened, and future pregnancies can separate those muscles.

Are you getting to lose tons of weight? Then an abdominoplasty is also not for you. An abdominoplasty should be a final resort after you've tried everything else. It should not be used as an alternative to weight loss.

It would help if you also considered the appearance of scars after a tummy tuck. You can mention scar placement and length with the doctor before the surgery.

How to Prepare for Tummy Tuck Surgery

The first step is to settle on a surgeon and see them for a consultation. At that meeting, you'll talk about your goals and the following options:

Complete abdominoplasty. The surgeon will cut your abdomen from hipbone to hipbone then contour the skin, tissue, and muscle as required. The surgery will involve moving your belly button, and you'll need drainage tubes under your skin for a couple of days.

Partial or mini-abdominoplasty. Mini-abdominoplasties are often done on people whose fat deposits are located below the navel. During this procedure, the surgeon presumably won't move your belly button, and therefore the process may only take up to 2 hours, counting on your case.


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