Male Breast Surgery in Delhi

Male Breast Surgery in Delhi Male Breast Surgery in Delhi is about the reduction of enlarged male breasts. It is also referred to as the removal of gynecomastia glands by the surgery. Gynecomastia treatment is more for a psychological reason. It takes away the confidence owing to female-like breasts. The constant feeling of inadequacy leads to loss of self-confidence and self-esteem. The person becomes shy, frustrated and introvert. Moreover, excessive breast tissue is prone to develop problems like female breasts. Studies revealed that male with Gynecomastia faces a greater risk of developing carcinoma. When compared with the general population, Gynecomastia itself is not a precancerous condition. The hormonal changes like increase in oestrogens, decrease in levels of androgens. These changes produce Gynecomastia in adult men. This also increases the risk of developing male breast cancer. There are many gynecomastia causes; Gynecomastia can occur due to medication, some medical i...