Male Breast Surgery in Delhi

Male Breast Surgery in Delhi 

Male Breast Surgery in Delhi is about the reduction of enlarged male breasts. It is also referred to as the removal of gynecomastia glands by the surgery. Gynecomastia treatment is more for a psychological reason. It takes away the confidence owing to female-like breasts. The constant feeling of inadequacy leads to loss of self-confidence and self-esteem. The person becomes shy, frustrated and introvert.

Moreover, excessive breast tissue is prone to develop problems like female breasts. Studies revealed that male with Gynecomastia faces a greater risk of developing carcinoma. When compared with the general population, Gynecomastia itself is not a precancerous condition. The hormonal changes like increase in oestrogens, decrease in levels of androgens. These changes produce Gynecomastia in adult men. This also increases the risk of developing male breast cancer. There are many gynecomastia causes; Gynecomastia can occur due to medication, some medical illness or drug abuse.

Male Breast Surgery in Delhi

It is advisable to consult for detailed examination and treatment plan. Those who are from out of town or abroad can consult online by sending a question.

If you have any medical condition, reveal it to your surgeon. Based on that, we will perform medical examinations and investigations. If the reports suspect some hormonal disturbance, then you may undergo hormonal assay.

In a male with Gynecomastia who is otherwise healthy. Usually, there is no need for investigations except few required for anesthesia purpose.

 Male Breast Surgery  Procedure in Delhi

Surgeons remove excess fat with state of the art latest liposuction techniques (tumescent/vaser). This entails a tiny incision to allow the entrance of fine suction cannula. It is usually done through a concealed area.

Once the fat is the out, we remove the gland's disc by making a small incision in the lower half of areola. We remove this disc at the natural border of skin and areola. The small incision is then closed with fine dissolvable sutures. We apply dressing after the completion of surgery. The sauce will be invisible under your shirt.

After Male Breast Surgery in Delhi

You may feel mild pain/discomfort after the procedure. It is well controlled with medicines. This is a daycare procedure, and you go to your house in the evening. Suppose you have undergone Gynecomastia under general anesthesia. Then it is preferable not to drive yourself.

If you feel the need to stay, you may stay overnight.

You will get to wear a pressure garment on an equivalent day or after 3 to 4 days of the procedure. The pressure garment is like an inner garment and is not visible through your shirt. This is to help you out to get the skin in shape and swelling to settle down. You have to wear the garment for about 2 to three weeks.

From the next day onward, we can permit you to walk around routine activities.

You have to avoid strenuous activities like vigorous exercises for about four weeks. After one or two weeks, depending on how you feel. You can resume light exercises and sexual activities.

The Final Result/Benefit

The gynecomastia treatment gives the most satisfying results among all cosmetic surgeries. Getting rid of breasts (Male Breast Surgery in Delhi) gives a well-shaped masculine chest. It also results in Tremendous boosting in self-confidence. A shy and depressed personality gets changed to a healthy, confident one. Moreover, You get rid of the increased chances of developing breast cancer.

The expert plastic surgeon performs it with ultimate perfection. There are not any complications and postoperative problems after the procedure.

Revision/corrective Gynecomastia

It is common to see the patients who have undergone unsuccessful gynecomastia treatment. Has performed corrective surgeries for hundreds of these patients. It helps them come out of the agony of a feeling of persistent concern about the residual disease and cosmetic deformity.

The corrective procedures are.

Persistent/residual Gynecomastia is due to incomplete removal of fat and gland. This needs re-treatment in the form of liposuction. Excision of the gland is also required for removal of the excess tissue to avoid recurrence.

Residual Gland: This is due to leftover glandular tissue. Usually, this feels like a lump/swelling below and around the areola. The treatment is excision of the gland.

Puffy /asymmetrical Nipple: This is a common occurrence. Usually, this is due to residual gland under the nipple. On an off nipple enlarges like a female nipple. The treatment is thinning out the under-surface of the nipple. Moreover, excision of the residual gland is additionally made.

Loss of nipple/areola: also reconstructs the nipple with ultra-fine plastic surgery.

We Improve scarring due to previous surgeries either with lasers. Sometimes scar removal surgery can also remove scarring.

Depression in the area of areola or chest.

Dynamic – You see it only when the muscle is active (like while lifting the arm). This is usually less bothering to the patient and typically doesn't need treatment.

Static -You see it when the muscle (pectoralis) is relaxing. This may need treatment if it bothers.

Please note that Gynecomastia treatment in Delhi is entirely safe and gratifying if qualified and certified Plastic Surgeon does it.

We have carried out thousands of gynecomastia treatment procedures. Plastic and Cosmetic surgeon operates with ultimate perfection. He dedicates himself in aiming that there are no complications and postoperative problems.


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