Breast Implants are prosthesis inserted into the breast tissue to alter the size and shape of breasts. It is often further divided into saline implants, silicone implants and alternative composition implants. This form of surgery requires advanced technology and experienced surgeons, and Persona Faces has established its name as one of the best breast enlargement surgery hospital in Delhi, India.


Breast Implants surgery is done to:

Increase breast size

Enhance the breast shape

Correct asymmetry and uneven appearance

Restore breast volume loss thanks to surgery or injury

Reconstruct a breast after the treatment of breast cancer

Overcome breast sagging


Some tests may be conducted to detect breast abnormality. The surgeon can also ask the patient to prevent eating or drinking anything 24 hours before the surgery. A patient should also carry some loose clothing sort of a loose-fitting bra without underwire. A breast specialist doctor will discuss the Breast Implants procedure intimately, the estimated duration of the surgery alongside the recovery process.


Once the patient is given anaesthesia, the surgeon will make an incision in one among the below areas:

Along the underside of the breast (most popular)

Around the nipple

Underarm (only in selected women)

The location where the incision has been performed can affect how visible the scars would be after the surgery. It will also decide the complications which a patient may experience after implant surgery. The surgeon will put the implant into the pocket above or below the chest muscle. After the implant is placed, the surgeon will close the incision with sutures and set temporary drains to prevent fluid or blood accumulation.


The patient's breast is going to be wrapped in gauze or a surgical bra. The scars of a breast enlargement surgery may fade in two or three months, depending on the patient's skin type.

Following the surgery, some pain, swelling and tenderness are expected, which may last for a month or longer, but should go away with time. For most women, scars will turn into thin lines over time. The surgeon may prescribe some medications to relieve pain and nausea and discuss ways to take care of the surgical area.

At the surgeon's recommendation, a patient is likely to return to work within a few weeks. However, it's strongly advised to avoid any strenuous activities that would increase vital sign and pulse, for a minimum of a fortnight. Be sure to ask the surgeon about a schedule for follow-up visits and the precautions that need to be taken.


A successful implant surgery helps within the following ways:

Enhance the size and shape of breasts

Gives carcinoma survivor an opportunity to regain confidence

Minimal invasive with less trauma to breasts

Boosts confidence and offer more clothing options

WHAT you would like to understand ABOUT Breast Implants SURGERY

Like any other surgery, breast implant treatment and surgery are also associated with risks like pain in the breasts, bleeding, the formation of stiff scar tissue around the implant, bacterial infection, non-symmetrical breasts, loss of nipple sensation and ruptured implants. In many cases, a painful fibrous shell develops around the Breast Implants.

Book your appointment with leading breast specialist doctors in Delhi, India at Persona Faces Hospitals.


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